Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I just love Cecilia, who works for the USAC office here. She is probably only in her late 20's, and she is just the cutest thing! She is a Spaniard, so when she speaks English (which is very fluently) she has an accent and sometimes words/phrases things strangely. Sometimes she can't find the correct word in English and will repeat the sentence over and over up until the point where the word is missing, until you help her out.
I think I find her so entertaining b/c I know this is probably how we USAC students come off to other Spaniards: trying to find the right word, ordering the phrases differently, not conjugating stuff, etc etc.
She is so nice and her personality is so meek but at the same time very eager to help you and it is just really fun to go talk to her about the simplest of things.

Occasionally the USAC office sends out emails to inform us about activities coming up, weather occurences, etc, etc.
There are a few people who write these things in the office, because there is Patricia, Tito, and Cecilia as well as about 2 or 3 other women who work in the office. Patricia, Tito and Cecilia are the ones we usually chat with, the others are just the red shirts.
You usually can tell when Cecilia writes these emails because of the use of "interesting" and "curious" in the completely wrong contexts. One time Katie went to the office to ask her about a local gym, and she said it was "curious" and the price was "interesting." We were like, "Umm, so...expensive?" And she just nodded her head with a serious face, then began shaking it to say no, then said "no, it is to expensive." LOVES IT.
Some people haven't had enough "curious" encounters with Cecilia to understand what her exact usage of this word means (I don't really either, I guess), so, like Cassi did today, they say "huh?" and cock their head to the side.

Anyway, here is an email with what I am talking about...

Hello everyone!

On Saturday, March 21st the Club Vasco de Camping has organized a curious, different and entertaining hike.
They will meet at 9:30 a.m. and go to Polipaso in “Monte Igeldo” to plant trees!
If you’re interested in helping them, please, stop by the Club Vasco de Camping to sign up and get more information.
Take pictures if you go and send them to us. “A tree is forever”: it will be there when you return to San Sebastián in a year, in ten…

Well, this has been interesting. I will post something curious soon!

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