Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patty's Day

So yesterday was St. Patty's day. Let's make this clear: Dia de San Patricio HERE in SPAIN is next week. Like, next Monday. And every day on the calendar is a saint day. Literally. So, really, it's no big deal. Today's probably St. Juan day or something.
So it was super American of USAC kids to celebrate it.
Next, let's also make this clear: I did say "AMERICAN" to celebrate it because YES, it is an American Holiday. There is an Irish girl in our program who claims it is very American, and they don't quite celebrate it back home.

Also, does anyone else realize that we are insulting Irish people when we celebrate "their" holiday by getting drunk as the stereotypical Irishman would do?

Anywho, last night people went to Molly Malone's (which is one of the 4 bars we USAC kids go to anyway), to celebrate since it is "Irish." There was a group of Irish guys there who are studying in Spain as well...but I honestly didn't understand what was going on with them, if they were here for a week or if they were studying here and have been here for a couple months already. A ton of people in the bar had green facepaint graffiti on their faces of clovers and other random things, and the bar passed out giant felt hats with Guinness on them.

While many bars I saw yesterday had Guinness drink specials to "celebrate St. Patty's Day" I am pretty sure no one here knows what that means. My host family sure as heck didn't. They don't really know why we celebrate it. I am pretty sure no one else does either.
Plus, having Guinness drink specials on American St. Patrick's day here in Spain is like McDonald's selling burgers on 4th of July to be "American." They sell Guinness here all the time, if you ask for a beer, it's gonna be Guinness or something long that starts with an S. Those are usually your only 2 choices, the latter being more common.

So, HOORAY for St. Pattys day.

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